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Vol. 05, No. 02 [February 2019]

Paper Title :: DiffusionAdvectionReactionEquation in ConditionsBorder Open Solutionby Fourier-Laplace Transform and itsComparisonWith an Application Dispersion of Air Pollutants
Author Name :: M.Sc. José Roberto Zenteno Jiménez
Country :: México
Page Number :: 01-16
The advection diffusion reaction equation is an important expression within many branches of engineering, for its wide use in mathematical modeling processes dispersion and diffusion mass transport, economy or contaminant within a porous medium or atmospheric. The aim of this article is to show the relationship they have two solutions to solve the partial differential equation presented without borders and may be an option analytical solution for one-dimensional models using Fourier transform - Laplace have Fourier integral with forcing, which contains a Delta function. Examples of cups Pollutant modeled in time for this case.
Keywords:Fourier transform, Dirac delta function, advection diffusion reaction equation, Laplace transform and Fourier integral.
[1]. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325561086_Una_solucion_analitica_para_la_ecuacion_de_difusion_adveccion_reaccion_por_medio_de_la_serie_de_Fourier
[2]. A First Course in Partial Differential Equation With Complex Variables and Transform Method HF Weinberger, Ed. Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1965.
[3]. Partial Differential Equations Analytical Solution Techniques, J. Kevorkian The Wadsworth & Brooks / Cole Mathematics Series, 1990.
[4]. Marchuk, GI (1986). Mathematical Models in Environmental Problems. Elsevier, New York.
[5]. Parra-Guevara, D. & Skiba, YN (2003). Elements of the matematical modeling in the monitoring of pollutants Emissions, Ecological Modeling.

Paper Title :: General Analytical Solution Unidimensional Advection-Diffusion- Reaction Equation Inhomogeneous on a Bounded Domain with an Application in Dispersion of Pollutants
Author Name :: M.Sc. José Roberto Zenteno Jiménez
Country :: México
Page Number :: 17-33
This paper presents the advection diffusion reaction equation under conditions of general mixed border, for a case of transport of air pollution which is solved by the Fourier series giving an analytical the case of numerical solution alternative and a forcing in specific point, software used for the simulation is Matlab 2016, two examples with two pollutants rates are used, optimum results are showing within the conditions set by the variable speed wind, diffusion coefficient and chemical reaction.
Keywords: Fourier series, advection diffusion reaction equation, variable separation
[1]. Marchuk, GI (1986). Mathematical Models in Environmental Problems. Elsevier, New York.
[2]. Parra-Guevara, D. & Skiba, YN (2003). Elements of the matematical modeling in the monitoring of pollutants Emissions, Ecological Modeling, 167, 263-275.
[3]. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325561086_Una_solucion_analitica_para_la_ecuacion_de_difusion_adveccion_reaccion_por_medio_de_la_serie_de_Fourier
[4]. Peter V. O'Neil Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Volume 2 (1999) Cap. 18, 321-429
[5]. Sanchez Hernandez Jose Dario elements Partial Differential Equations (1984), Chapter 6.9, 49-50

Paper Title :: Recommendation of Data Analysis Method by Vectorizing Text
Author Name :: Takahisa Oe || Humiko Harada || Hiromitsu Shimakawa
Country :: Japan
Page Number :: 34-42
In recent years, demand for data analysis has increased in companies and others, but there are limited people who can handle data analysis method correctly. The data analytical method that should be applied differs according to the problems the company has. Therefore, in this research, problems to be solved are expressed as texts as scenarios. It is proposed that method to recommend a data analysis method to adapt by vectorizing the scenario. In vectorization, by detecting a sentence expressing the significant of the scenario, it is increased that the weight of the sentence closer to it and excluded that sentences unnecessary for recommendation such as background knowledge. Experimental results show that the usefulness of the proposed method is different depending on the recommended data analysis method. If this method is applied, it is possible to provide an environment where new learners narrow down the learning field and learn efficiently
Keywords: Data Analysis, Recommendation, Learning Support, Text Mining, Vectorization
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[2] Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan, "Towards realization of "Workstyle reform" ", 2018, URL: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000148322.html [accessed: 2018-01-17].
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[5] D. Ramage, S. T. et al., "Characterizing microblogs with topic models", Proceedings of the Fourth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. pp.130-137.2010.

Paper Title :: Viewing Understanding Faults in Programming Learning from Cognitive Load
Author Name :: So Asai || DinhThi Dong Phuong || Fumiko Harada || Hiromitsu Shimakawa
Country :: Japan
Page Number :: 43-51
We propose a method to identify factors of cognitive load causing understanding failures in learners engaging in programming learning, through the analysis of their learning behavior. It is important to make them acquire programming skills with clarifying causes of understanding failures of learners. In general, since the concepts of programming is difficult for learners. The difficulty is primarily affected by three types of cognitive load: intrinsic load (IL), extraneous load (EL), and germane load (GL). Since many learners belong to one class, it is difficult for teachers to distinguish learners with appropriate cognitive load from ones with inappropriate cognitive load. In order to find learners with inappropriate cognitive load, our method generates decision trees classifying learners with their learning behavior when they solve fill-in-the-blank tests. The decision trees are used to identify factors of each type of cognitive load. An experiment shows the decision trees our method generated enable to view the factors affecting inappropriate IL and GL. This result clarifies the learning factors affecting inappropriate cognitive load of learners and the teachers can address to make their cognitive load appropriate.
Keywords: Data mining, decision tree analysis, e-learning, programming learning.
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[3] J. Sweller. Element interactivity and intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive load. Educational Psychology Review, 22(2):123 – 138,2010.
[4] M. Okamoto and H. Kita. A study of novices missteps in shakyo-style learning of computer programming. In Memoirs of the Center for Educational Research and Training, Shiga University 22, pages 49 – 53, 2014.
[5] K. E. De Leeuw and R. E. Mayer. A comparison of three measures of cognitive load: Evidence for separable measures of intrinsic, extraneous, and germane load. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100: 223–234, 2008.

Paper Title :: The determination of fish species for freshwater aquaculture based on the conformity of water quality parameters with expert system
Author Name :: Ani Widiyati || R.N. Huda || A. Kustiyo || Deni Radona
Country :: Indonesia
Page Number :: 52-58
This study aims to determine the types of the right freshwater fish based on a range of water quality parameters (physical parameters: temperature and brightness; chemical parameters: dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and nitrite) with an expert system. Common carp (Cyprinuscarpio), giant gourami (Osphronemusgoramy), and striped catfish (Pangasianodonhypophthalmus) represent fish species with low, medium, and high tolerances to poor water quality. The research method consists of several stages, including the acquisition and representation of knowledge by experts, the development of inference machines, the process of defuzzification and implementation. The results of expert system analysis, in the form of a decision, chose fish from the family Cyprinidae to be cultivated in good water quality as the expert system output revealed carp. Meanwhile, fish from the Oshphronemidae family are to be grown in moderate water quality, since the expert system revealed carp. Finally, fish from the Catfish family are to be cultivated in poor water quality because the expert system displayed catfish.
Keywords: Expert system, fish species, parameters, water quality
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